Harvard University: The Quarrel of Plato and Homer

Apotheosis of Homer, Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres

The Program on Constitutional Government: “Plato vs. Homer: The Old Quarrel between Philosophy and Poetry”


The Program on Constitutional Government at Harvard, a JMC partner program, will host JMC fellow Lorraine Pangle for a lecture on the tension between philosophy and poetry in the Western heritage.

Thursday, April 25, 2019 • 4:30 PM
CGIS North (Knafel) Building, Room K-262 • Harvard University

RSVP required – email Andy Zwick at pcg@gov.harvard.edu



Lorraine PangleLorraine Pangle is a Professor of Government and Co-Director of the Thomas Jefferson Center at the University of Texas at Austin. She teaches ancient, early modern, and American political philosophy, with special interests in ethics, the philosophy of education, and problems of justice and moral responsibility. Professor Pangle has held fellowships from the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, and the Earhart Foundation. Her publications include Virtue is Knowledge: The Moral Foundations of Socratic Political Philosophy (University of Chicago Press, 2014),The Political Philosophy of Benjamin Franklin (Johns Hopkins, 2007), and Aristotle and the Philosophy of Friendship (Cambridge, 2003).

Professor Pangle is a JMC fellow.

Learn more about Lorraine Pangle >>



The Program on Constitutional Government at Harvard University was founded in 1985 by Harvey Mansfield and William Kristol, and has been guided since then by Mansfield and R. Shep Melnick of Boston College. The Program promotes the study of the U.S. Constitution and its principles, combining the fields of political theory and American government. It brings visiting professors to Harvard, invites guest speakers, and supports postdoctoral fellowships. The Program also seeks to improve the access of Harvard students to political debate by ensuring that the principle of diversity is not confined to favored classes of Americans, but extended to political opinion, since it is the interest of all that both sides be heard.

Learn more about the Program on Constitutional Government >>



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