Writings And Statesmanship Of Franklin and Lincoln
Franklin and Lincoln: University of Chicago American Originals: Franklin and Lincoln LLSO 27401 (= NCDV 27401, FNDL 24401, SOCTH 39112) D. J. Hutchinson, R. Lerner March 6, 2014 by JMC
Writings And Statesmanship Of Franklin and Lincoln
PDF DownloadTexts to be purchased
Benjamin Franklin, Silence Dogood, The Busy-body and Early Writings (ed. J. A. Leo Lemay, Library of America)
Benjamin Franklin, Autobiography, Poor Richard, and Later Writings (ed. J. A. Leo Lemay, Library of America)
Abraham Lincoln, Speeches and Writings 1832-1858 (ed. Don E. Fehrenbacher, Library of America) Abraham Lincoln, Speeches and Writings 1859-1865 (ed. Don E. Fehrenbacher, Library of America)
Calendar of readings:
September 27
Silence Dogood, nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 9 [5-13, 26-29]
On Titles of Honor [49-50]
Timothy Wagstaff [52-55]
Plan of Conduct [72]
Articles of Belief and Acts of Religion [83-90]
Epitaph [91]
The Busy-Body, no. 3 [96-99]
Doctrine to be Preached [179-80]
On Simplicity [181-84]
On Censure or Backbiting [192-95]
September 29
Rules for a Club Formerly Established in Philadelphia [205-7]
Proposals and Queries to be Asked the Junto [208-12]
On a Pertinacious Obstinacy in Opinion [253-55]
A Proposal for Promoting Useful Knowledge Among the British Plantations in America [295-97] Old Mistresses Apologue [302-3]
The Speech of Miss Polly Baker [305-8]
Advice to a Young Tradesman, Written by an Old One [320-22]
Proposals Relating to the Education of Youth in Pensilvania [323-44]
Idea of the English School [348-54]
Rattle-Snakes for Felons [359-61]
Observations Concerning the Increase of Mankind, Peopling of Countries, &c. [367-74] Reasons and Motives for the Albany Plan of Union [383-401]
No Taxation Without Representation [402-10]
October 4
To Josiah and Abiah Franklin [425-27]
To Joseph Huey [475-77]
Humorous Reasons for Restoring Canada [526-29]
On the Tenure of the Manor of East Greenwich [564-67]
Causes of the American Discontents Before 1768 [601-9]
On the Labouring Poor [616-19]
A New Version of the Lord’s Prayer [632-35]
Positions to Be Examined [637-39]
October 6
“The Seeds Sown of a Total Disunion of the Two Countries” [663-65]
Toleration in Old and New England [667-71]
Preface to the Declaration of the Boston Town Meeting [672-75]
Rules by Which a Great Empire May Be Reduced to a Small One [683-91]
An Edict by the King of Prussia [692-97]
Proposed Articles of Confederation [724-27]
October 11
To _____ [9-10]
To Jane Mecom [16-18]
To Lord Kames [26-28]
To William Strahan [110-15]
To Samuel Cooper [119-22]
To Jane Mecom [123-26]
To Jane Mecom [128-32]
To Joshua Babcock [134-36]
To William Franklin [146-48]
Model of a Letter of Recommendation [179]
Passport for Captain Cook [186-87]
The Morals of Chess [187-91]
To the Royal Academy of ***** [212-15]
Remarks Concerning the Savages of North-America [229-34]
Information to Those Who Would Remove to America [235-43]
October 13
To Lord Howe [252-54]
To _____ Lith [257-58]
To Benjamin Vaughan [275-77]
To Joseph Priestley [307-309]
To Comte de Vergennes [320-21]
To Robert Morris [339-43]
To _____ [343-44]
To William Strahan [349-51]
To Samuel Mather [352-53]
To Mason Locke Weems and Edward Gant [354-56]
To William Franklin [356-58]
October 18
The Retort Courteous [382-90]
Speeches in the Constitutional Convention [391-401]
A Comparison of the Conduct of the Ancient Jews and of the Anti-Federalists in the United States of America [404-8]
An Address to the Public from the Pennsylvania Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery, and the Relief of Free Negroes Unlawfully Held in Bondage [414-15]
Sidi Mehemet Ibrahim on the Slave Trade [417-20]
To Benjamin Vaughan [428-29]
To Ezra Stiles [440-42]
October 20, 25, 27
Poor Richard
The Autobiography
November 1: Mid-term Examination
November 3
To the People of Sangamo County [1-5]
To the Editor of the Sangamo Journal [5-6]
Speech in the Illinois Legislature on the State Bank [9-17]
Protest in Illinois Legislature on Slavery [18]
To Mrs. Orville Browning [37-39]
Lyceum Address [28-36]
To Mary Speed [73-75]
Temperance Address [81-90]
November 8
To Williamson Durley [111-13]
Handbill replying to charges of infidelity [139-40]
“Spot” Resolutions in U.S. House of Representatives [158-59]
War with Mexico, Speech in U. S. House of Representatives [161-71]
To William Herndon [172-73]
To William Herndon [175-76]
Speech on Internal Improvements [187-98]
Presidential Question, Speech in U. S. House of Representatives [205-21]
Proposal in the U.S. House of Representatives for the abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia [227-29]
Notes on the Practice of Law [245-46]
Eulogy on Henry Clay [259-72]
Fragments on Government [301-3]
Fragment on Slavery [303]
November 10
Speech on the Kansas-Nebraska Act at Peoria [307-48] To Owen Lovejoy [357-58]
To George Robertson [359-60]
To Joshua Speed [360-63]
Speech at Kalamazoo [376-82]
Portion of Speech at Republican Banquet in Chicago [385-86] The Dred Scott Decision [390-403]
A House Divided [426-34]
Fragment on the Struggle against Slavery [437-38]
November 15
Reply to Douglas at Chicago [439-58]
Reply to Douglas at Springfield [460-79]
On Slavery and Democracy [484]
Ottawa debate [495-536]
Portion of Speech at Edwardsville [580-85]
November 17
On Pro-Slavery Theology [685-86]
Galesburg debate [692 bottom-709 middle]
Alton debate: Lincoln’s reply [790-814]
November 22
To H. L. Pierce and others [18-19]
Speech at Cincinnati [59-89]
To J. W. Fell, Autobiography [106-8]
Address at Cooper Institute [111-30]
Speech at New Haven [132-50]
The Declaration, the Constitution, and the Union [to be supplied] Farewell Address at Springfield, Illinois [199]
Address to New Jersey Senate [209-10]
Address in Independence Hall [213-14]
First Inaugural Address [215-24]
Proclamations [232-34]
To Reverdy Johnson [235-36]
To Winfield Scott [236-37, 237]
November 24
No Class
November 29
Message to Congress in Special Session [246-61] To John C. Fremont [266-67]
To David Hunter [267]
To John C. Fremont [267-68]
To O. H. Browning [268-270]
Annual Message to Congress [279-97]
Message to Congress [307-8]
Proclamation Revoking Order of Military Emancipation [318-19]
Appeal to Border-State Representatives for Compensated Emancipation [340-42] To Horace Greeley [357-58]
Meditation on the Divine Will [359]
Reply to Chicago Emancipation Memorial [361-67]
Proclamation Suspending Writ of Habeas Corpus [371]
To Gen. G. B. McClellan [376-78]
To Gen. G. B. McClellan [379-80, 380]
Portion of Annual Message to Congress [415]
Emancipation Proclamations, Preliminary [368-70] and Final [424-25] December 1
To the Working Men of Manchester, England [431-33]
To Gen. Joseph Hooker [433-34]
To Erastus Corning and others [454-63]
To Gen. N. P. Banks [486-87]
To James Conkling [495-99]
Gettysburg Address [536]
Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction [555-58]
To Gov. Michael Hahn [579]
To Albert Hodges [585-86]
Address at a Sanitary Fair in Baltimore [589-91]
To George B. Ide and others [596-97]
To Charles Robinson [620-22]
Memorandum on Probable Failure of Re-Election [624]
Response to a Serenade [641-42]
To Stephen A. Hurlbut [642-43]
To Mrs. Bixby [644]
Second Inaugural Address [686-87]
To Thurlow Weed [689]
Speech on Reconstruction [697-701]
December 10: Final Examination, 8 a.m.