A JMC Webinar: “How to Write and Publish a Book as a Junior Scholar”

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JMC Webinar: “How to Write and Publish a Book as a Junior Scholar” with Luke C. Sheahan, Robinson Woodward-Burns, Natasha Piano, and Gregory M. Collins


How do you write a book? And once it’s written, how do you get it published? This JMC panel explored the mysteries of writing and publishing a book as a junior scholar.

JMC fellows Luke C. Sheahan, Robinson Woodward-Burns, Natasha Piano, and Gregory M. Collins discussed their experiences while addressing questions such as:

  • How to settle on a specific topic for a book?
  • How to establish a consistent writing and research schedule?
  • How to reach out to book publishers to gauge interest in your book?
  • How to market your book?
  • And what pitfalls to avoid in the book-writing and book-publishing process?

JMC’s Director of Academic Programs Thomas Cleveland acted as the moderator.

Click here to view the recording of the webinar on YouTube >>



Luke C. Sheahan is an Assistant Professor of Political Science at Duquesne University and a Non-Resident Scholar at the Program for Research on Religion and Urban Civil Society (PRRUCS) at the University of Pennsylvania. He is the author of Why Associations Matter: The Case for First Amendment Pluralism (University Press of Kansas, 2020).

Professor Sheahan is a soon-to-be JMC fellow.

Learn more about Luke C. Sheahan >>



Robinson Woodward-Burns is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science at Howard University. His first book, Hidden Laws: How State Constitutions Stabilize American Politics, was published in 2021 by Yale University Press. His writing on constitutionalism, social movements, and abolitionism is published or forthcoming in The Journal of Politics, Polity, Perspectives on Politics, The Maryland Law Review, The Tulsa Law Review, The Atlantic, and The Washington Post. He is writing his second book, on constitutional hardball, as a Kluge Fellow at the Library of Congress.

Professor Robinson-Burns is a JMC fellow.

Learn more about Robinson Woodward-Burns >>



Natasha PianoNatasha Piano is a Harper-Schmidt Fellow and Collegiate Assistant Professor in the Social Sciences at the University of Chicago. She translated four of Francesco Guicciardini’s political treatises (three of which had never appeared in English) for the volume Florentine Political Writings from Petrarch to Machiavelli (University of Pennsylvania, 2019), which she edited with Mark Jurdjevic and John P. McCormick. Her manuscript, Democratic Elitism: The Secret History of American Political Science, recovers and contextualizes the Italian School of Elitism (Mosca, Pareto and Michels) and traces how its normative and methodological contributions were transformed by Anglo-American political science in the post-war period. Articles stemming from this project can be found in European Journal of Political Theory, Journal of Politics and Critical Review.

Professor Piano is a JMC fellow.

Learn more about Natasha Piano >>



Greg CollinsGregory M. Collins is a Lecturer in the Program on Ethics, Politics, and Economics at Yale University. He is the author of Commerce and Manners in Edmund Burke’s Political Economy (Cambridge University Press, 2020) and has published articles on Edmund Burke, Adam Smith, Frederick Douglass, Leo Strauss, and Britain’s East India Company. He is the 2020 winner of The Acton Institute’s Novak Award.

Dr. Collins is a JMC fellow.

Learn more about Gregory M. Collins >>



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