Diana Schaub on Lincoln’s Political Thought

Abraham Lincoln, by George Peter Alexander Healy

Conversations with Bill Kristol: “Greg Weiner: Why Daniel Patrick Moynihan Matters”

JMC board member Bill Kristol recently recorded a talk with JMC faculty partner Greg Weiner for his series, Conversations with Bill Kristol. Professor Weiner spoke on the career of Daniel Patrick Moynihan and his approach to political and social problems. Professor Weiner is the author of American Burke: The Uncommon Liberalism of Daniel Patrick Moynihan and the director of the Daniel Patrick Moynihan Center, a JMC partner program.



Visit Conversations with Bill Kristol >>

Audio and video of the podcast are available on YouTube, Stitcher, and Apple Podcasts.

Visit Stitcher and Apple Podcasts to hear more >>


Greg Weiner is Associate Professor of Political Science at Assumption College in Worcester, Massachusetts. He is the author of Madison’s Metronome: The Constitution, Majority Rule and the Tempo of American Politics and American Burke: The Uncommon Liberalism of Daniel Patrick Monynihan (University Press of Kansas). He received his B.A. from the University of Texas at Austin and his Ph.D. from Georgetown University. Professor Weiner is a JMC faculty partner.

Learn more about Greg Weiner >>


Bill KristolBill Kristol is founder of The Weekly Standard, which he edited until it closed its doors in 2018. As a prominent political analyst and commentator, he is a frequent guest of televised news shows on such networks as ABC, CNN, Fox News, and MSNBC. His podcast and video series, Conversations with Bill Kristol, features a host of impressive guests (including Jim Ceaser, fellow JMC board member) and he has published widely in areas ranging from foreign policy to constitutional law and political philosophy. Early in his career, he served on the faculty at Harvard University and University of Pennsylvania. Mr. Kristol currently serves on the boards of the Manhattan Institute and the Foundation for Constitutional Government.

Mr. Kristol is a JMC board member.

Learn more about Bill Kristol >>



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