Christopher Newport: 2021 Annual Conference on America’s Founding Principles and History

Bill of Rights

Christopher Newport University: “Annual Conference on America’s Founding Principles and History: Amendments to the Constitution”


On October 25, 2021, Christopher Newport University will hold its annual conference on America’s founding principles and history. This year’s topic is “Amendments to the Constitution.”

Speakers include:

  • Sean Beienburg (JMC fellow), Arizona State University
    Prohibition Amendments
  • Kurt Lash, University of Richmond
    14th Amendment
  • Alex Morey, Foundation for Individual Rights in Education
    Keynote address on student rights on campus (Amendment 1)

Click here to learn more >>



Sean BeienburgSean Beienburg is an Assistant Professor at the School of Civic and Economic Thought and Leadership at Arizona State University. He is also the project director of the Living Repository of the Arizona Constitution initiative. Professor Beienburg’s teaching and research interests include the Constitution and constitutional law, American political development and American political thought, federalism and state constitutionalism/politics, executive power (both presidential and gubernatorial), parties and interest groups, 19th and early 20th century political and constitutional history, and Prohibition. In addition to Prohibition, the Constitution, and States’ Rights, he is soon to be the author of another book on states as constitutional interpreters and progressive federalists in the progressive and New Deal eras.

Professor Beienburg is a JMC fellow.

Learn more about Sean Beienburg >>



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