American Institute for Economic Research: Short-Term Visiting Research Fellowships

Still Life with Books in a Niche

American Institute for Economic Research: Short-Term Visiting Research Fellowships


The American Institute for Economic Research (AIER) invites applications for short-term visiting research fellowships. Candidates should be researchers and academics working in fields that advance AIER’s mission and research focus. Short-term fellowships run 2-6 weeks.

These fellowships provide an opportunity for researchers to collaborate, write, and work on a project. We have worked closely with scholars in economics, political science, philosophy, history, law, and other areas.

Each Visiting Fellow is expected to present their research to AIER staff and visitors, and to the general public through written pieces for AIER’s website.

Visiting Research Fellows should expect a collegial environment where Visitors and AIER faculty collaborate, provide feedback and engage with each other’s research and ideas. Each Visiting Fellow should leave AIER having made substantive progress on their project as well as having built longer-term relationships with other visitors and AIER Faculty.

Short Term Visiting Research Fellowship applications are reviewed on a rolling basis.

Click here to learn more and to apply >>



From the organization

The American Institute for Economic Research educates people on the value of personal freedom, free enterprise, property rights, limited government, and sound money. AIER’s ongoing scientific research demonstrates the importance of these principles in advancing peace, prosperity, and human progress.

AIER is a nonpartisan research and education nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization focused on the importance of markets, with a full range of programs and publications on the social sciences with a primary emphasis on economics. AIER as an institution affirms free enterprise, economic liberty, property rights, sound money, and legal institutions that shore up the rights of individuals to be free to the extent that their actions do not impinge on the rights of others.

Learn more about the American Institute for Economic Research >>



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