Investing in Higher Education
Resources and strategies for investing in higher education.
Protecting donor intent in higher education is essential.
Americans’ confidence in our higher education system is at a historic low. Many philanthropists across this country are eager to step in and save our institutions—but where should they start? And how can they ensure that their investments align with their intentions?
We are here to serve as a resource for any higher education philanthropist looking to improve the teaching of America’s founding principles and history. Our team is here to advise donors on fulfilling their objectives for contributions and to maintain transparent and open communication to ensure their goals are met.
We can help with:
- Establishing credibility through grant agreements and oversight
- Identifying reliable scholars and campus programs for investment
- Building a network of funders with similar interests
- Convening investors to collaborate on shared interests and projects
A national summit for like-minded civics funders
Founding principles-based civics organizations, leaders, scholars, and funders need a way to gather regularly, discuss emerging ideas and opportunities, and promote field-wide investments. The National Summit on Civic Education was formed in 2022 to answer that call.
To learn more about this invitation-only conference, please contact Tom Kelly, Vice President of Civics Initiatives, at

More information and resources for investing in higher education

The Next Step for Disaffected DonorsAmericans’ confidence in our higher education system is at a historic low. According to a Gallup poll this summer, only 36 percent have real faith in our colleges and universities.