September 9, Skidmore College: “A Tale of Two Liberalisms: Desegregating American Political Thought” with JMC Scholar Susan McWilliams Barndt
September 11, Saint Vincent College: “Constitutional Reset: SCOTUS’s Renewed Separation of Powers” with Adam Carrington
September 13, Lee University: “14th Annual Constitution Day Quiz Bowl and Lecture“
September 13, University of Missouri: “The Constitution and America’s New Racial Battle Lines” with Rogers Smith
September 16, Arizona State University: “A Constitution for a Diverse Nation: Federalism and the Challenge of American Pluralism” with Michael Barone.
September 16, North Greenville University: “What Can George Washington Teach Us About the Constitution” with William Reddinger
September 16, Princeton University: “Government Corruption and Private Power” with Julia Mahoney
September 16, Villanova University: “How the Pursuit of Happiness Defines America” with Jeffrey Rosen
September 16, Xavier University: “Who’s Responsible for Constitutional Rights?” with Miller Fellow Christina Bambrick.
September 16-19, Rose State College: “Constitution Extravaganza” featuring Jack Rakove
September 17, Assumption University: “Is America a Creedal Nation? A Jewish Perspective” with David P. Goldman
September 17, Benedictine College: “President Kennedy’s Interpretation of the First Amendment” with Ryan T. Anderson
September 17, Biola University: “Natural Rights, Virtue, and the Constitution” with Mark Blitz
September 17, Catholic University of America: “Freedom from Religion or Freedom for Religion: Natural Rights & the American Constitution” with Vincent Phillip Muñoz
September 17, Claremont McKenna College: “History v. Originalism” with Jonathan Gienapp
September 17, Michigan State University: “Disinformation, Demagoguery, and the First Amendment” with Charles Zug
September 17, St. Ambrose University: “New York Times v. Sullivan and the Original Meaning of the First Amendment: Rethinking Libel and Freedom of Press” with JMC Scholar Carson Holloway
September 17, Texas State University: “The Crisis Presidency” with Miller Fellow Benjamin Kleinerman
September 17, Towson University: “Our Beliefs in/and the Constitution—Freedom of Religion, Then and Now” with Matthew Taylor and Ioanna Tourkochoriti
September 17, University of South Carolina: “Adam Smith and Founding Economics: The Political Economy of the U.S. Constitution” with Samuel Gregg
September 18, Great Hearts Institute: “The Constitution: Hidden Truths and Enduring Myths” with Miller Fellow Andrew Porwancher
September 18, University if Nevada – Las Vegas: “Native Nations and Jefferson’s 1804 Constitution” with JMC Academic Council Member Jeremy Bailey
September 18, West Virginia University: “The Constitution and Human Flourishing” with Samuel Gregg
September 19, Cairn University: “Roger Sherman and the Creation of the American Republic” with Miller Fellow Mark David Hall
September 19, University of Wisconsin – Madison: “The Spirit of Amity: The Constitution’s Forgotten Cover Letter and the Original Meaning of Civility” with Derek Webb
September 20, Christendom College: “The Post-Constitutional Temptation” with JMC Scholar James Stoner Jr.
September 20, Providence College: “Why September 17 Matters and What All Americans Should Know about Our Constitution” with Jerome Foss
September 20, University of Georgia: “Of Kings and Presidents: Monarchy and the Framing of the Constitution” with Eric Nelson
September 20, University of Houston: “State, Constitution, and the Death of Politics” with Jacob Howland
September 20, Utah Valley University: “James Madison as the Founder of Founding” with James Ceaser
September 23, Ursinus College: “James Baldwin, History, Responsibility, and Atonement” with Melvin Rogers
September 24, Louisiana State University: “Government Corruption and Private Power” with Julia D. Mahoney
Sepember 26, University of Toldeo: “Freedom from Religion or Freedom for Religion? Religious Liberty & American Constitutionalism” with Vincent Phillip Muñoz
September 27, Jacksonville State University: “Constitutional Interpretation & Civic Leadership in Polarized Times” with Drew Kurlowski and Kimberly Hurd Hale
October 7, American University: “Can the Constitution Unify Americans?” with Yuval Levin
October 10, SUNY-Geneseo: “A Defense of American Constitutionalism” with Marc Landy