Constitution Day Initiative

Every year, Constitution Day commemorates the signing of the U.S. Constitution on September 17, 1787. JMC’s Constitution Day Initiative leverages this congressionally-sanctioned national holiday to enhance constitutional literacy through campus lectures, public events, and popular media.

Engaging students and the public in the meaning and role of the U.S. Constitution.

Constitution Day marks the signing of the U.S. Constitution on September 17, 1787. Initially celebrated as “I am an American Day” in May, it was moved to September 17 in the 1950s and renamed “Citizenship Day.” In 2004, Congress officially designated September 17 as Constitution Day, requiring public schools and government offices to promote constitutional literacy.

The Jack Miller Center honors this important national holiday by funding educational lectures nationwide, furthering its mission of civic literacy, and encouraging citizens to learn about the nation’s origins.

Find a JMC Scholar for your Constitution Day event

The Jack Miller Center’s scholarly network brings top scholarship on the American political tradition, history, and constitutional law into pressing conversations about modern politics.

If you are interested in working with one of our scholars for a speaking engagement or media commentary, contact us today at

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Learn more about our Constitution Day Initiative

Learn more about our Constitution Days this fall.

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