A more informed public

Helping America rediscover her civic mission through public resources and inspiring stories focused on America’s founding principles and history.

We believe most Americans are tired of the media promoting the problems in our society.

It’s time for the return of civil debate, inspiring American stories, and real solutions.

The Jack Miller Center is focused on elevating the conversation in the media
by giving historical context to current issues, providing perspectives and
reports on the civics landscape, and promoting excellent scholarship.

ContextUS: Making primary sources accessible and engaging

The Jack Miller Center is building ContextUS.org to help students, teachers, and the public engage with the American political tradition online. The site allows users to explore over 600 core texts on one user-friendly platform, build study guides, and learn from JMC scholars.

Visit our primary source library today and start engaging with America’s rich textual tradition.

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Looking for an expert opinion? Our scholars can help.

The Jack Miller Center’s scholarly network brings top scholarship on the American political tradition, history, and constitutional law into pressing conversations about modern politics.

If you are interested in working with one of our scholars for a speaking engagement or media commentary, contact us today at media@gojmc.org.

Meet our Scholars

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