Second Annual
National Summit on
Civic Education

National Summit on Civic Education

The Union League of Philadelphia  |  November 9 – 10

Too often efforts to strengthen civics in the K-12 system are pursued independently of civics reform in higher education. Many of our nation’s colleges and universities have become mired in ideological movements, unmoored from their traditional civic missions. At the same time, we see state-level battles over civics and history instruction in K-12 that increasingly reflect the curricular battles that have long afflicted higher education.

If we are to reground civic education in our nation’s founding principles, we must pursue reform both in higher education and K-12 and integrate these efforts.

We are pleased to share that the second annual Summit will be co-presented by the Jack Miller Center and The Union League Legacy Foundation at the historic Union League of Philadelphia.

We seek to convene organizations and donors committed to deepening knowledge and fostering attachment to our nation’s founding principles. We will feature panels and speakers who are leading the charge in a holistic approach to civics reform that recognizes the challenges and opportunities posed across education levels. We will seek to build on the spirit of collaboration that marked the inaugural National Summit in 2022, forging new partnerships between civics practitioners and donors.

If you have any questions about this event, please email Lauren Altobelli at

The Summit will be by invitation only. If you are interested in attending this event, let us know here.


See the agenda here. If you’ve received an invitation, you can RSVP here

All events will take place at the Union League of Philadelphia. The dress code for the Summit is business. The League House maintains its own dress code policy. Please see details on the League’s site here.

This event is presented by the Jack Miller Center and The Union League Legacy Foundation.