A Defense of American Constitutionalism
On October 10 at 3:30 pm, JMC Scholar Marc Landy (Boston College) will present a Constitution Day lecture at SUNY-Geneseo on “A Defense of American Constitutionalism.”
Based on his new book co-authored with Dennis Hale, Keeping the Republic: A Defense of American Constitutionalism, Professor Landy’s talk will aim to counter the increasingly fashionable diatribes against the Constitution by law professors, journalists and political scientists who claim it is “broken”, “obsolete” paralyzing, irredeemable etc. The talk’s larger purpose is to explain why the Constitution is especially well constructed to enable America to resist the threats to the survival of republican democracy posed by problems this modern state must face, amongst which are massive size and religious, ethnic, racial and ideological diversity.
The event is free and open to the public.