
First Lady Dolley Madison born in Guilford County, North Carolina

On May 20, 1768, First Lady Dolley Madison was born in Guilford County, North Carolina. The wife of founding father James Madison, Dolley balanced his taciturn nature with her sociability, friendliness, and fun-loving tendencies. Their marriage is remembered as a particularly happy one despite their difference in natures and wide age gap of 17 years. […]


First Lady Dolley Madison born in Guilford County, North Carolina

On May 20, 1768, First Lady Dolley Madison was born in Guilford County, North Carolina. The wife of founding father James Madison, Dolley balanced his taciturn nature with her sociability, friendliness, and fun-loving tendencies. Their marriage is remembered as a particularly happy one despite their difference in natures and wide age gap of 17 years. […]