Starting Points Journal: Call for Papers

Still Life with Books in a Niche

Starting Points Journal: Call for Papers


In its two-year existence, Starting Points has published nearly 100 short articles, conversations, and podcast interviews on American political thought, history, and culture featuring both early-career and established scholars from a wide range of disciplines. It has successfully provided an interdisciplinary outlet for the dissemination of accessible research, improving scholars’ and citizens’ understanding of American constitutionalism.

Now co-sponsored by the Kinder Institute on Constitutional Democracy at the University of Missouri and the Center for Political Thought and Leadership at Arizona State University, Starting Points is pleased to announce that it is now able to offer authors an honorarium of $250 for each published article.

Article submissions should be 1,500 – 2,000 words in length, and should not include footnotes or bibliography (brief parenthetical citations may be used when necessary). Submissions are accepted and reviewed on a rolling basis.

Please send submissions and inquiries to the editorial team at

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