Duke University: The True Extent of Executive Power

Bostock Library, Duke University

Program in American Values and Institutions: “The True Extent of Executive Power”


The Program in American Values and Institutions at Duke University, a JMC partner program, will be hosting Sai Prakash and John Yoo to debate the true extent of executive power and discuss their new books on the topic. Specifically, their debate will focus on what power the Constitution grants to the executive, and whether President Trump has lived up to his constitutional obligations.

Thursday, November 12, 2020 • 12:30 PM
A virtual event through Zoom

Click here for more information >>



The Program in American Values and Institutions at Duke University, a JMC partner program, seeks to provide an understanding of how American values have evolved in response to particular historical circumstances. The program’s courses, lectures, and workshops explore how political ideals and beliefs about human flourishing shaped the origins and development of American political, economic and social institutions and encourage students, faculty and the general public to subject American ideals and institutions to critical analysis.

Learn more about the Program in American Values and Institutions >>



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