JMC Fellows Write on Constitution Day 2015

JMC scholars continue to raise awareness of Constitution Day by publishing op-ed essays in newspapers around the country. The opinions will differ, but each piece reflects the centrality of the Constitution and constitutionalism to American politics and government.

Examples  this year include:

The U.S. Constitution Isn’t Just for Politicians and Lawyers, by Michael Faber

James Madison, Self-Government and the Importance of Self-Control, by Colleen Sheehan

Political Correctness Should Not Inhibit Free Speech, by Carol McNamara

This Constitution Day, Teach the Whole Document, by Greg Weiner

Bringing Constitution’s Lessons to Class, by Joseph M. Knippenberg

Constitution Day Celebrates Our Vital Founding Document, by Kevin Wagner

Culture, Virtue and the Constitution, by Lucien Ellington

The Constitution, Symbol and Plan, by Wilfred McClay

For Constitution Day, Take Stock of the Grand Experiment, by Paul A. Rahe

Taming the President?, by Scott Yenor

To read more about JMC’s Constitution Day Initiative and to see current and past Constitution Day events, see here