We the People are the Next Generation

We the People Are the Next Generation


For Constitution Day this year, JMC traveled to several universities around the country to talk to undergraduate students about their views to Jack Miller Center partner programs on their campusesWe were struck by their enthusiasm for learning about America’s founding principles, and discussing how these principles impact their lives today.

The Jack Miller Center’s network of 1,000 professors on 300+ campuses are teaching the next generation about America’s history and the principles of equality, liberty, and opportunity that lie at the heart of the American political tradition.

We are deeply grateful for their work to teach and inspire their students. This Giving Tuesday, please consider a contribution. Your support will expand and strengthen their efforts to engage more students in learning about the meaning of America.

A special thanks to our partners at Clemson University, Rose State University, Xavier University, and Lee University for hosting these featured JMC-sponsored events.

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