Free Access to all of Harvard’s Case Law

Reading Room in Langdell Hall, Harvard University

Search Harvard’s Caselaw Access Project


Harvard’s Caselaw Access Project (CAP), which offers free access to all electronic formats of Harvard Law School’s entire case law collection, including both state and federal cases, now has an interface for conducting online searches.

From 2013 and 2018, Harvard’s Library Innovation Lab in partnership with Ravel Law undertook to digitize its entire case law collection, amounting to over 40 million pages of case law. CAP launched an API in October, 2018 allowing users to create their own interfaces to Harvard’s electronic repository of case law. Finally, it now has a conventional search tool to make access possible for ordinary users.

Search Harvard’s Case Law Collection >>

Click the above link to begin your search. To get access to the full case, you will need to register with CAP API. Registration is free.

The Jack Miller Center has also produced its own tool for accessing Harvard’s Case Law, which not only provides online viewing of cases but can generate Microsoft Word documents of each case conveniently formatted for classroom use.

Get Word Documents of Harvard’s Case Law >>

JMC’s search utility also requires registration with CAP API. Once you have registered, you can enter your registration key in the top right-hand corner to gain access to full texts.

Ravel Law, LIL’s partner for CAP, also has a powerful online search application that allows users to sift through the 6.6 million cases in the database and offers nicely formatted full text of all cases. More powerful analytical tools are available with subscription to Ravel’s services.

Please direct any questions about JMC’s search function to



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