Ed Schools Are Enforcing Ideological Uniformity

Lyll Asher describes the problems of education schools’ curriculum and the ill effects ed school-trained administrators have on campus culture.


How Ed Schools Became a Menace

By Lyell Asher
From The Chronicle Review

…Everyone knows about the kudzu-like growth of the administrative bureaucracy in higher education over the past three decades. What most don’t know is that at many colleges, the majority of administrators directly involved in the lives of students — in dorms conduct hearings, bias-response teams, freshman “orientation” programs, and the like — got their graduate degrees from education schools.

Ed schools, such as Teachers College at Columbia, or Penn’s Graduate School of Education, have trained and certified most of the nation’s public-school teachers and administrators for the past half-century. But in the past 20 years especially, ed schools have been offering advanced degrees in things like “educational leadership, “higher-education management,” and just “higher education” to aspiring college administrators. And this influx of ed-school-trained bureaucrats has played a decisive role in pushing an already left-leaning academy so far in the direction of ideological fundamentalism that even liberal progressives are sounding the alarm.

Read the rest of the article at the Chronicle Review >>




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